Coronary Angiographic Findings in Diabetic Patients Versus non-Diabetics with Coronary Heart Disease


  • Akram Rasol Kadhim 0000000
  • Sarkis K. Strak 00000
  • Mazin A. Hazaa 0000


Background :Atherosclerosis is the most
frequent underlying cause of ischemic heart
disease and a major cause of death all over the
world. This study was carried out to analyze and
compare the angiographic findings in patients
with diabetes mellitus versus non diabetics with
coronary heart disease , and to correlate these
findings with some risk factors for coronary
heart disease.
Methods: A total of 100 patients were studied,
50 with diabetes mellitus, and 50 non diabetics.
This study was carried out at Al-Sadr teaching
hospital in Basrah, Southern Iraq during the
period April 2009- September 2009. All patients
were known to have coronary heart disease. Risk
factors for coronary heart disease were studied
and coronary angiography was performed to
define coronary lesions for all patients, and were
classified into those who had single , two , three
or four vessels disease, according to the number
of critical coronary vessels involed. Angiography
was considered as normal when the test did not
identify any obstruction of any major epicardial
Results: Diabetic patients had more multi-vessels
involvement coronary heart disease than non
diabetics. Right coronary artery, left main stem
artery, left circumflex artery involvement and left
ventricular systolic dysfunction were seen more
in diabetics than non diabetic patients.
Conclusions: This study showed that diabetic
patients had more critical multi-vessels
involvement than non diabetic. Diabetic patients
had also worse coronary angiographic findings
independent on the presence or absence of other
risk factors



How to Cite

Kadhim AR, Strak SK, Hazaa MA. Coronary Angiographic Findings in Diabetic Patients Versus non-Diabetics with Coronary Heart Disease. Al-Kindy Col. Med. J [Internet]. 2013 Jan. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];9(1):23-30. Available from: