Vol. 17 No. 3 (2021): AL-Kindy College Medical Journal Vol.17 No.3

Scientifically sound articles from authors in Iraq, the United Kingdom, Sudan, and Palestine have been published in this issue.
Scientifically sound articles from authors in Iraq, the United Kingdom, Sudan, and Palestine have been published in this issue.
Al-Kindy College Medical Journal (KCMJ) is an open access Journal
E-ISSN: 2521-4365
Publication Frequency: Bianually (2004–2020), then three issue per year from 2021 to present
Date for issues publications: at the End of April, August and December.
NEW: From 2024 onwards, the publication date of KCMJ's issues will be changed from the end of April, August, and December to the first of those months.
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SCOPUS, COPE, OASPA, DOAJ, ResearchGate , Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals (IASJ), DOI-Crossref
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